Regain control of your life after sexual abuse
The Centre de ressources et d’intervention pour hommes abusés sexuellement et leur entourage (CRIPHASE) is a non-profit organization aimed at offering support to men who have been sexually abused and are looking to regain control of their lives.
We offer support through psychosocial interventions, information sharing, awareness-raising, activities that promote healthy dialogue and training sessions.
We take a human approach rooted in autonomy, dignity, respect for individual differences, subjectivity, and the potential for growth and development.
CRIPHASE's mission is to support male victims of sexual abuse on their journey to reclaim control over their lives. We achieve this through psychosocial interventions, providing information and raising awareness, organizing activities encouraging socialization, and training professionals within healthcare and community networks.
We employ an integrative, dynamic approach that respects the individual’s pace and considers the connection between our emotions, mind, and body.
We provide comprehensive, specialized support to male victims of sexual abuse, their loved ones, and professionals who work closely with men. We employ a more human approach, enabling us to better understand the impact this experience has had on an individual’s life.
Number of support requests received in 2023-2024
Number individual follow-up appointments in 2023-2024
The number of men who sought out our services in 2023-2024