The First Quebec Forum on the Consequences and Prevention of Sexual Abuse Against Men
This forum was a groundbreaking event, as no other gathering had ever brought together individuals from all regions of Quebec to discuss the reality of men who were sexually abused in childhood. Initially, we had hoped to welcome around a hundred participants. However, three weeks before the event, we had to close registration, as we were about to exceed 200 participants—far beyond the capacity of our chosen venue.
We were privileged to host top-tier speakers who quickly underscored the seriousness of our initiative:
Professor Michel Dorais from the School of Social Work at Université Laval;
Professor André Samson from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa;
Jean-Thierry Popieul, Clinical Director of the Montreal CAVAC and criminologist;
Hussam Sabouni, PhD candidate in psychology and practitioner at CRIPHASE;
Lawyer Alain Arsenault.
For an event of this scale to be as successful as our forum, it required high-quality content and credible speakers who could enrich us throughout the day with their expertise. They did so with a generosity that deserves our most sincere gratitude.
Through this forum, we broke down many barriers, and most importantly, CRIPHASE responded to a pressing need. From now on, we must remain available and attentive to those who seek our support. More than that, we must continue our work to remain at the forefront of intervention for men who were sexually abused in childhood, ensuring that services are available where they are still lacking.